Whenever you are drinking with your "boys," it appears you cannot control your urges to do something inelegant to a poor woman who probably does have some suspect intentions. But you have to use your brain a little bit, son. You have put yourself in bad situations time and time again. I want you to learn your lesson and I fear the only way for you to do that is to get slapped with some kind of legal conviction.
The city of Pittsburgh and Steeler Nation have put everything they have into you and right now, they are not even on your side according to radio shows in the Pittsburgh area. You have made an on-field living by doing the small things right but you are seriously close to ruining the very thing that made you famous in the first place. Grow up Benjamin because you are not superman even though you might think so from your history of nugget actions, like the time you were too "cool" to wear a helmet on your motorcycle in 2006. Maybe that concussion is the reason your brain is not functioning correctly. All in all you are nugget and have been nuggetized! Deal with it.
P.S.- Local bar owners have said you constantly try to skip out on bar tabs and other items. Your not even THAT good at your job so don't think your too good to pay for drinks. Stop being a nugget if you even can.
Boy oh boy, where do I start.
ReplyDeleteBig Ben is the epitome of a feel good under-dog story. He played one year...yes ONE YEAR as a high school quarter back and chose to go to school for the position he loved. He gets signed and actually starts as a red-shirt freshman at the football powerhouse that is...err...well...Miami Ohio. He compiled career stats that put him in the over 60% completions, over 10,000 yeards, 80 TD's!!! While throwing a grain of sand that is 23 picks...oh and that was three seasons. Do you know how hard it is to break every passer record in three years? I mean yeah it took Weis 3 years to pull a "city of atlantis" on Notre Dame football, and it took three years for the rams to get to the 5 win mark, but every passer record?
Since getting drafted 11th overall by the steelers, Benny "the jet" Rothlisberger taken off his Pf flyers and put on the cleats, all while hoisting the steelers franchise on his back. He now has won 2 super bowls, a rookie of the year, steelers MVP, and a pro-bowl selection.
Now that all that is out of the way. What bitch that fucks Big Ben's "big ben", wouldn't see an opportunity to cash in on Ben's six-year contract worth $22.26 million in salaries and bonuses, with an additional $17.73 million available via incentives. I'm pretty sure that any hoe bag, while tossing Ben's salad see's a lot more the the under side of Big Ben's balls, but see's dollar signs.
You want to fuck a superstar, enjoy the 10 minutes - 2 hours depending on how wasted he is, but get your hand out of the cookie jar. Until you hold your hand up and have two fat rings on it that you have won with blood sweat and tears starting on the grassy fields of Miami Ohio.
So, in closing, Bad Ass Benny keep on keeping on because life is short and people will always think a facial or creampie entitles them to a bit of you're wallet. Toss her a towell and tell her to move on. Life's a garden, dig it.
He only played one year of high school quarterback because he was a lineman the other 3 years. Look at him. He is a giant ogre. When I first saw Shrek, I was convinced Big Ben was Shrek.
ReplyDeleteHe did have a good career at the University of Miami and I mean that is a legit big program and all. Oh wait. Sorry. My mistake. Miami of Ohio. Sorry didn't even know that was a school. What conference are they even in? I'm guessing he is the only quarterback in school history then of any kind of professional experience.
I definitely don't doubt that these WOMEN had dollar signs in their mind but if a retard with money is gonna treat them like a hoe and slap them around then he better pay for that action, Cotton.
If you are going to act like a pimp then you have to teach these women to be quiet OR he could be a man and try to act like a superstar off the field and become a respectful human to women, hoe or not.
If he was peyton manning, none of this would have happened...
ReplyDeleteSo apparently being able to throw around a football kinda good means that any women you encounter will be a slut and they will all want to get on "big" ben, including all of our sisters, cousins, etc...I know my sisters wouldn't touch that big piece of shit with a ten foot pole, even if he does make millions...i truly hope one day that your daughter doesnt come back to you balling her eyes out, because some professional athlete that can hit alot of homeruns or throw a football well raped her and you don't believe her because hes a celebrity and surely your daughter is just another stupid gold diggin slut...of course...and i dont care how decorated of a quarterback he is...fact is, if you hit women and your a man...then you are a nugget at the very least, and a little bitch to be honest...you dont see the true dope quarterbacks like tom brady getting into this kind of shit...Ben thinks that all women should want him, Like they all want tom brady...so when he encounters women that are out of his league despite him being famous and a talented athlete that dont respond to his lame attempt to pick them up...he gets violent and shows his true Nugget-self....ben you ARE a nugget!!! deal with it....
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ReplyDelete2 words....... Peyton manning!!!!! BOOM!
ReplyDeleteMr. Reg,
ReplyDeleteI once was told by a certain man that "all girls are sluts until proven otherwise". Are you now saying that this statement doesn't hold any weight any more? If this life montra gets thrown out, whats next, you're going to start routing against Arsen....uh oh.....
That man is prolly very very very wise and handsome (cough)....but anyway...yes ive heard that mantra before...and if applied to the situation you would see that the moment the girls rebuked big ben's advances thus enraging him and causing him to hit them...they proved otherwise and showed that they werent just some typical sluts that were gonna sleep with Big Ben because he is rich and famous....and i always route against arsenal if they are playing barcelona...dont you ever forget that....
ReplyDeleteI suggets nuggetspotter and mr. reg all apologize to Ben as the investigation has proven that there is no reason to continue with charges. He is not even being put in custody or being ask more questions. Go win games Ben.