Are YOU one???

Monday, June 14, 2010

NuGGET of the WEEK...(6)

Oh my, Robert Green. As much as I loved the outcome of the United States vs England World Cup fixture, I sincerely enjoyed the way you screwed up in front of your whole country. Now mind you, this is not a country that takes soccer mistakes lightly. You are literally now the most hated man in all of England and probably all of Great Britain. In fact, I hear the Queen still screaming at her television.

You have done well for your country and proved you were the number one goalkeeper but wow did you mess up. This was a below average shot that you simply booted. To be fair though Rob, you did get your hand on a blistering shot later in the game that could have given the States the win but I promise your country will not remember that and only remember your blunder.

No one in the world would be surprised if you did not start in your next match and rightfully so. There is nothing worse in English "football" than to lose or draw against the USA. So being an American, I believe I speak for all Americans when I say, "Thanks, lad!" I hope your countrymen do not ex-communicate you but I couldn't blame them. Hey, if that happens I am sure Whales would love your services.

With that being said you are this weeks NUGGET of the WEEK and if I were English you would be NUGGET of the YEAR. Good work.

Guess who's back?

Everyone, the spotter of nuggets is sorry. He let the world of unemployment affect his true, one passion. That of course is spotting nuggets. This will never happen again and I am truly sorry for the terrible inconvenience I have caused in your life. If you have complaints or concerns please post them because I will address all of them. I hope you like the new look and God bless!

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Do Not Worry!

Due to finals, the Nuggetspotter and some of his passionate followers are likely going to be too busy to follow this week. I am doing this for the people to make sure their studies come first. The Nuggetspotter would be nothing without his studies. Please check back this weekend because the new nugget will be posted then!

Until then, Study hard or you could very well be the next Nugget.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

NUGGET of the WEEK...(5)

Goldman Sachs CEO and Chairman Mr. Lloyd C. Blankfein has ran away with this weeks nugget of the week. The economic crisis we are in is attributed to poor lending on sub-prime mortgages and poor regulation from the SEC. The SEC was a close second in this weeks race because they are allowing these firms to basically lie to their customers time and time again.

Recently, Goldman Sachs has been a diamond in the rough when it comes to a financial services company because they seemed to have had their books in order when the crisis occurred. Because of that, they were not affected nearly as bad as some of the other investment firms....until now. What was really going on at Goldman Sachs is they had better people hiding their skeletons which there were plenty of.

Goldman Sachs was charged with fraud early this week and at a reported cost over $1 billion to their customers. They purposefully did not tell clients important information about their mortgage and mortgage backed securities and because of that are going to be hit hard. After all that has gone on over the past couple of years, you would think that these financial firms would have their heads on straight, apparently not. This is becoming a joke and as an innocent American, do we not have some right to place some type of moral punishment on these top executives and CEOs?

Goldman Sachs and most of Wall Street has continually lied to us and for whatever reason we keep doing business with them. It would be nice if the SEC actually did its job and decided to check and balance these firms that are holding over half of the money in the United States. So for being the last one to show your true colors, Mr. Blankfein and Goldman Sachs, you have just been NUGGETIZED. Deal with it.

And for Christ's sake, stop being so greedy!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

NuGGET of the WEEK...(4)

NBC boss Jeff Zucker, you nugget. You are the primary reason that Conan O'brien got ousted at your studio and now you are the reason that he has just signed a massive deal with TV cable rival, TBS. First of all, you were a nugget for letting Conan get away from NBC and then to top it all off, you let him sign with a rival. Yeah, real smart Jeff.

NBC would have been much better off continuing to pay a non-compete but once again you guys have dropped the ball. He has a huge fan base and one that as we have seen in the past will do anything for him (see NBC has already lost these fans for life and now they are being pushed to a network that has been on the rise. This could be just the thing to throw TBS over the edge and be considered a top competitor to basic TV.

I single you out though because you have been known for getting into a war of words with your "people". Why get into a battle of words with a late night TV host? That makes no sense. These guys will always have the last word. I mean NBC still gets joked on by its own son Jay Leno because even he knows you guys screwed Conan...hard. The only thing saving your career right now is that Leno's late night show has a minimal advantage over Letterman in the ratings. But nonetheless, this happened and now Conan is with TBS and I can only hope that he tops the ratings and makes you feel like the nugget you are.

Long live Team Coco. You have just been NUGGETIZED. Deal with it.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

NUGGET of the WEEK...(3)

Big Ben Roethlisnugget, welcome to the party. Over the last few weeks, reports have come out that you have sexually assaulted ANOTHER woman. This will be the second one in less than an year. While the first case (accused of rape in Las Vegas) never really came fully out to the public, this case seems like it will.

Whenever you are drinking with your "boys," it appears you cannot control your urges to do something inelegant to a poor woman who probably does have some suspect intentions. But you have to use your brain a little bit, son. You have put yourself in bad situations time and time again. I want you to learn your lesson and I fear the only way for you to do that is to get slapped with some kind of legal conviction.

The city of Pittsburgh and Steeler Nation have put everything they have into you and right now, they are not even on your side according to radio shows in the Pittsburgh area. You have made an on-field living by doing the small things right but you are seriously close to ruining the very thing that made you famous in the first place. Grow up Benjamin because you are not superman even though you might think so from your history of nugget actions, like the time you were too "cool" to wear a helmet on your motorcycle in 2006. Maybe that concussion is the reason your brain is not functioning correctly. All in all you are nugget and have been nuggetized! Deal with it.

P.S.- Local bar owners have said you constantly try to skip out on bar tabs and other items. Your not even THAT good at your job so don't think your too good to pay for drinks. Stop being a nugget if you even can.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

NUGGET of the WEEK...(2)

Jesse James. Welcome to the elite club of nuggets. You have done something that no one on this planet thought was possible...cheat on Sandra Bullock.

Not only did you cheat on Sandra, with I think it stands now, about 4 different women, you also got caught 10 days after your WIFE won an Oscar. An Oscar that some say was one of the best Academy Award races of all-time. Sandra beat out longtime legend Meryl Streep and her speech was very emotional and thankful. I doubt she will be that thankful or forgiving for your antics.

As it stands, you have been moved out on by your WIFE who loved you and for whatever reason trusted you. You have notoriously been a "bad boy" image and now you have fulfilled that role. You have the tattoos and you have the attitude, but the one thing you were missing is an award. Well Jesse, today is your lucky day. You are the second Nugget of the Week and your reward is a wonderful trip to rehab. I hope you find whatever it is your looking for but I can tell you one thing, Sandra is a lot better off without you. Mr. James you have just be NUGGETIZED. Deal with it.

Friday, March 26, 2010

NUGGET of the WEEK...(1)

U.S. Representative Patrick Murphy, among others, has been receiving death and violent threats against him for signing the health bill reform according to I chose Rep. Murphy because of this wonderful picture that he posed for. Yikes!

The bill was passed by a very narrow margin (219-212) and a lot of other Democrats have been facing some of the same scrutiny. Which leads me to ask the following:

What in the hell is going on in D.C.??

We vote for these people to make the best decisions for the communities they represent, so why do these "law makers" receive this kind of hatred and disgust?

Unfortunately, a lot more than politics goes into these answers. For that reason my good sir, you U.S. Representative Patrick Murphy are the NUGGET of the WEEK and the first member of the world population to be NUGGETIZED! Deal with it.

NUGGET of the WEEK idea

So the Nugget of the Week honor will be announced approximately once a week and will be purely my opinion of who deserves the Nugget of the Week award. It is a special honor and one that should be carried proudly. I will give a brief description of why this person won this honor and I hope to see your comments of approval or disapproval. So without further ado, the first installment of Nugget of the Week will be posted soon! Cheers.